Thursday, November 30, 2006

Late night painting party

Doc is supposed to update me around lunchtime with the cell count. God, I can't wait that long. I don't know if it's paranoia, but I feel like something's not going to be right. Probably a hormone-related mood swing (I hope). And it didn't help that when I walked out of my bedroom this morning, my little hibiscous flower had died. My good omen is gone. I know those things don't last long...but damn, one more day would've made me feel better. I'm kind of freaking out a little bit....all this just seems too good to be true.

I had some major insomnia last night. Woke up at 2:30 in the morning...couldn't fall back to sleep, so just got up. Knew if I didn't do something I'd sit around thinking about all the things that could go instead.......I had the brilliant idea to put a second coat of paint on the guest bedroom. haha. Here I am up on a ladder, reaching and stretching for a few hours...picking up paint cans, picking up the ladder (I'm not supposed to be lifting anything right now). Yeah...I overdid it...very sore again. J has no idea...he would've killed me. Fortunately, he's a heavy sleeper and I was back in bed by 6:30. He's a guy, so he'll never notice that the room is now finished. haha. body's all out of whack (as is my mental state). I just hope everything's ok. I can't stand the thought of coming all this way and the embryos not growing properly. That would be really hard to handle. Of course me sitting here being a nervous wreck...I'm not exactly creating a good environment for them when implantation comes....

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