Friday, May 11, 2007

What can I say? Misery loves company...

My phone rang today...and lo and behold it was this fabulous IVF-er that we met while we were in Florida. I swear I had big plans of keeping in touch with her when we got home, but it seemed like the second we got home, we were steeling ourselves for the pg test, then we got the test...then there was the getting it together AFTER the test. And all of a sudden a month had gone by. I was afraid to call her in case her test was negative and she didn't want to talk about it...or if her test was positive - how would I handle that afterwards? We IVF-ers are so very sensitive. So her number sat collecting dust in the drawer.

But today she called me. Glad she was braver than I was. Their test was negative. It was their third cycle. We only talked for a few minutes, but it doesn't seem like she's holding up very well. She had to run for work, but we're going to talk next week. She very much sounded like she needed someone who's been there - to...well, be there. I hope I can.

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