Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank you sir, may I have another?

So, I've been back at home for a few days and have already done some drinking even Brittany Spears would be proud of. We've decided to take the summer off from Infertility Land and try again in September.

Things seem to fuck up so easily for us, it's like we're out for a world record or something. Honestly, even the doctor is shocked at how stupid-shit-prone we are. And after all the medical disasters, here's what else happened over the course of - oh, 3 days. Most of this is a repeat, but well, it's my blog and I feel like bitching:

J's car died. And I mean died during the climax of all this fertility shit. But only after the garage that we took it to for an estimate fixed the AC (and charged us for it), then shoved us out the door saying the car needed to go directly to the dump. Why the fuck would they fix the AC on a piece of shit?? Unfortunlatey J was so blindsided by it and dealing with all this fertility crap on top of that, it didn't even occur to him to be pissed until 2 days later. The good news - J's parents were in the midst of buying a new car during this, so instead of trading in their car, they traded in ours - we're paying them the difference of the trade-in and taking their old car. Ask me how much they got for our vehicle! 300 bucks....I told them we should've syphoned the gas tank first. But at least J has wheels again.

Our other vehicle needs to be serviced for...something. During my multiple times a day trips into NOVA, the check-engine light came on. We just had it serviced the week before I went up there. Seems to be fine, but you know...WE own it, so it probably needs a new engine.

It's 98 degrees outside and our AC in the house broke. We have dual zones in this place - BOTH not working. It's probably something as simple as a charge, but the earliest appointment to get it fixed? The 16th. Working from home when it's 103 degrees inside ROCKS. I'm waiting for my computer to melt so I can replace THAT.

Small, but what a pain in the ass - my cell phone needs to be replaced. Fucker stopped holding a charge - and seeing how it's at least 6 years old (I really hate buying's like going to the DMV for me), I can't just get a new battery. If it weren't for work, I'd just throw it away. For some reason after all the other crap that's gone wrong lately, this one pisses me off the most.

My weekend plans involve more drinking and concentrating really hard on all the silver linings: If my house falls down that just means less cleaning, right??

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