Monday, December 11, 2006

I hate the internet

The internet is going to be the death of me. I swear to god. Everytime I get even the teenist little twinge in a TOE...I am online to see if that's a sign of early pregnancy. I'm going to lose my freakin' mind before the test on Thursday.

I was just surfing and came across the term "chemical pregnancy". It's where you might have been pregnant for a few days...just enough to get your hCG levels up, and then it "vanished"...but the hormones were still in your body. So the preg test says positive...but it's just because the surge of hormones hasn't gone away.

SOO...if I get a positive test...this is what I'll be thinking about. And if it comes out negative...I'll be thinking that MAYBE they mixed my test up with somebody else's and I should still be careful.

So I suppose I shouldn't even be worried about TAKING the I won't believe it either way.

I'll be 9 months pregnant before I start telling people (and myself) that I'm having a baby.

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