Monday, August 13, 2007

Doc Appointment

Today was my annual gyn visit. I was having a very fragile infertile day for whatever reason (they pop up randomly). It was the first time I had to write down "multiple failed IVF's" under my medical history. Why do they even make you fill all that crap out? They never read it. I got into the exam room (after a hour’s wait) and the doctor comes in and asks me all the stuff I just filled out. I had checked the box "expecting to get pregnant" so she asked me if I was on prenatals. I shook me head "no" and just started bawling. I don't know why. I was horribly embarrassed - first time I've ever been to that doctor. But once I started, I couldn't stop crying. And I'm trying to choke out WHY I'm NOT on prenatals because she hadn't taken the time to read further down the sheet to the IVF info. Oy...what can I say - I was having a bad day.

Anyhoo - the exam didn't go that well and I've been trying not to think about it or talk about it. She found some kind of "mass" on my right ovary (which hurt like HELL). She said it's most likely a harmless cyst, but it is something to be conscious about since I did 2 IVF's back- to- back. And she said my breasts are full of “fibrous material"....which could be another side effect of the IVF. Mass amounts of hormones do crazy things...I of course knew this...just didn't know it would happen right away. And you ME. My pap doesn't come back until Wednesday, so I'm pretending all is well. But of course I'm a wreck on the inside - I've never had anything but completely normal exams. And to have 2 issues right after IVF scares the hell out of me. Ok...but enough of all's probably nothing and I can't do anything until the results come back anyway.

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