Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy 2008

Any New Year's resolutions this year? I have come up with a good one for myself. Every year I have said: "This will be my year." Every year seems to get worse. So this year, my NY Affirmation is this: I can't control a thing that happens, but I can control how I handle it. So my resolution is to get my shit together, basically:

I will be sad when somebody gets pregnant, but I will remind myself that I wouldn't trade my life for theirs.

I will be sad if IVF doesn't work, but will remind myself that I'm moving forward. And regardless of the outcome, I am not doing this for nothing.

I'm going to take care of myself.

I'm going to try to forgive all the insensitive, ignorant people around me. It's not their fault they're not infertile too.

I will remind myself that The Hubby internalizes all this very differently than I do. I will not be mad at him when he doesn't join me in my sorrow.

I will not wallow in sorrow. Being sad is one thing, but no more weeks on the couch crying over this mess.

I'm throwing away my Victim Status and I'm going to kick some ass in 2008.

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