Thursday, February 22, 2007

Idiots of the world unite…

Here’s a good infertility movie recommendation for anybody out there that needs it. I don't recommend it because it's good - in fact, it's probably one of the worst-done movies I've ever seen. But anyone that’s ever dealt with infertility will surely appreciate it.

J rented "Idiocracy" last week and brought it home - we popped it into the DVD player:

The premise of the movie is - all the stupid people of the world are super-fertile. All the smart peeps have problems. So the dumb people keep breeding and take over the world.

The opening scene is "the smart couple" talking about how they're working on their careers and don't want to have kids yet.

Then it flips to "the dumb couple" living in a trailer park - she's holding a beer in one hand and she's cussing holding a positive pregnancy test in the other with several kids running around her feet.

Back to the "smart couple" 5 years later talking about how bad the economy is right now, so they're waiting to start their family.

5 years later to the "dumb couple" - she's bitching about being pregnant again, meanwhile there's now 10 kids running around.

Smart Couple 5 more years later - they're talking about how his "dude count" is low because of all the stress from work and they're going to do IVF.

Dumb Couple - again, more kids...

Smart Couple years later talking about how the husband has now died b/c of work stress...but the woman (who is now visibly old) has 3 eggs frozen and she's waiting on "Mr. Right".

Meanwhile Dumb Couple continues to pop out kids left and right.

Seriously - dumbest movie ever (Luke Wilson travels forward in time 500 years and everybody's so stupid they can barely talk....he's the smartest man alive....adventure ensues) but the whole idea was freakin' hilarious. J and I were a bit shocked at first (we had no idea what the movie was about). But after the shock wore off, we were ROLLING. I'm sure anybody NOT in our situation would've thought it was the dumbest thing ever.

It’s one of those movies I’ll keep on hand for the next time I find out somebody’s pregnant. By the end of it I was glad to be amongst the infertile (well, almost)….

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