Saturday, April 12, 2008

Survey Says!

HARVESTING IS MONDAY! 10:45am. Which means I am triggering tonight at 12:45am. Oy. These people do not care that I haven't slept in weeks.

After my appointment, I spent the afternoon visiting my grandmother. She's almost 91 with Alzheimer's. God what a shitty, shitty disease. She also suffers from osteoporosis. She fell out of bed about a week and a half ago and broke her leg. This is the second time in about 6 months. Poor thing is a mess. She's on bedrest for 6 weeks. I just felt awful for her. She was in a pretty good mood and had a good deal of sense about her (it's very in and out), but she was very antsy. Who wouldn't be? One day of bedrest and I'm out of my mind and my back kills me. She's 11 days into bedrest and still in a good mood. I would most definitely be throwing things at people.

It was a good visit overall, I'm not entirely sure she knew exactly who I was (my name/relation), but she definitely remembered she was comfortable with me. There was about a 5 minute span where she even asked about J - so at least then she definitely knew me for a few.

Ugh...Alzheimer's sucks. I have always been very close to both my grandmothers. On the bright side though, she has led this truly amazing life. And 91 years - I hope I've inherited the longevity.

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