Saturday, May 31, 2008

I guess you really can't count out the underdog...

The doctor diagnosed me with "A Watched Pot Never Boils Syndrome."

Lo and behold we've got a follicle measuring at 13mm, estradiol is up to 73, progesterone 0.3 and LH at 5.6. For whatever reason I'm behind where I should be on the calendar, but hormones vs. follicle size is normal and on the rise. No idea what the hold up was, but we're back in the game.

We even did a little dance after my ultrasound this morning.

Next doctor's appointment is Monday. J is going home tomorrow night - he'll head back up here when it's time for the retrieval.

1 comment:

JenniNapa said...

i am praying for the underdog. And you. Keep us posted.

xxxxxxx (and tons more)