Friday, May 30, 2008

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

J's car broke down yesterday.

When I say broke down, what I mean is, it's running, but the garage told us to say our goodbyes. It's a crappy commuter car, that would be worth about 20-bucks as a trade in. This is not a surprise. But what shitty pain in the ass timing.

The ridiculous part? J dropped it off yesterday afternoon for an estimate and told them that while they were working on it to go ahead and fix the AC (hasn't worked in a year). So instead of calling to tell him what was wrong with the car first before they did any work to it, they fixed the AC and then told us the car would only last another few weeks. Ass. Holes. We dropped $170 into a car that's next drive is towards the junkyard.

Actually, now that I think about it, why the hell did we pay that? My head's so wrapped around what's going on with my ovaries that it didn't occur to me until just now to tell them to go fuck themselves.

Ugh...I have a phone call to make this morning.

Beware the wrath of the IVF scorned...

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