Wednesday, May 28, 2008


There was much discussion between the docs about my ovaries today. They went back and forth trying to decide if they should just cancel me now, or retest.

They decided to drag out my agony a few more days and retest on Saturday. Part of me just wants to say "fuck it" and go home. Seriously, we can't get pregnant when IVF goes right - how the shit is this gonna work?

I guess in my brain, IVF has already ended and Saturday is a check-up to see what the fuck is wrong with me. No one has a clue right now, but here are...

The Theories:

Novarel can screw up your cycle a little bit
The doc's theory: It shouldn't cause this many issues though.
My hopeful theory: Benadryl puts me into weeklong comas, and one Tylenol is a cure for broken body overreacts to shit - plain and simple. This is my normal.
My actual theory: My body has shut down because I allowed myself to be injected with god-knows-what-drugs - this is the Universe saying "I told you so". We will never have kids.

Maybe Novarel did mess up your timing, and your body is just trying to catch up
The doc's theory: On Saturday, your levels could be much higher.
My hopefuly theory: On Saturday I'm exactly where I should be to trigger, we harvest on Monday. In 9 months - the party's at my house.
My actual theory: The ultrasound will show that my ovaries have left the building never to be seen again.

This is a one time thing brought on by stress, and leftover hormones, next month you'll be fine.
The doc's theory: Next month I'll be getting more money out of her.
My hopeful theory: There won't be a next month because I'll be knocked up.
My actual theory: I've hit menopause and am forever barren.

Maybe you miscalculated your cycle.
The doc's theory: Jesus, this woman can't even fucking count.
My hopefuly theory: That I really am that stupid.
My actual theory: I recounted the days 17 fucking times, even Skeet Ulrich could tell you I'm screwed.

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