Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Third Appointment (Cycle Day 11)

Today follicle jumped up to 15x12 (although one measurement had it at 16x12). Huge amount of growth in 24 hours.

LH came back at 6.6, so the ligering question is - is that the level prior to the LH jump, or the drop before the big surge. Bloodwork in the morning will tell.

Doctor wants to retrieve on Saturday morning - they're getting me in for the earliest appointment.

Tomorrow morning I do bloodwork/ultrasound at 10am. Then I'm checking into a hotel and waiting for the clinic to call me in for a second round of bloodwork in the afternoon. Trigger will be tomorrow night.

I'm nervous that tomorrow morning's bloodwork will show I surged today. I've had a good deal of uncomfortableness in my abdomen today....usually I don't feel that until after the trigger.

So...Shit!...or Yay! I don't know which yet.

J gets in tomorrow - I'll be so relieved when he's here.

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