Thursday, October 9, 2008's over. Again.

Follicle at this morning's ultrasound was 17x13. Too small to trigger you say?

Well my bloodwork came back - LH at 16.

Cycle fucking cancelled....surged before the goddamn trigger. Again. And again. And again.

We had already arranged for a hotel so I could be close to the clinic. We decided to keep the room, do some sightseeing, catch up with old friends and do some major drinking.


b marie said...

Oh dear, I am so sorry. Miss talking to you, I need to go back to work so I have time to email you more. :) Ha ha. I do so love you, hang tough chica.

b marie said...

If you are in for some mindless fun, I have tagged you in my latest post. Go check it out and see if you can come up with the 6 things for you!

JenniNapa said...

hell. Hell. And double hell.
I'm so sorry. I am sending you all the good energy I have and so much love. I hope you feel it.