Friday, February 8, 2008


I haven't been sleeping much the last few weeks. Not sure why. We get into bed around 10:30 or 11 every night. And I lay there, and lay there. I'm lucky some nights if I have fallen asleep by 3am. Once I finally do get to sleep, it's not restful. It's more dozing in and out until my alarm goes off. I don't feel tired during the day though.

Maybe it's just knowing more fertility treatments are right around the corner. I've been trying not put too much thought into it lately. I don't feel like I'm sitting around worrying about it, but who knows what's going on in this brain of mine.

The good news this week: I was finally able to track down my HSG test I had done a zillion years ago. Thank good...I wasn't looking forward to having to redo that. Expensive? Yes. Uncomfortable? Oh hell yes.

J has been put in charge of scheduling our bloowork. Once that's done, we're free to start NCIVF. Which (according to my cycle) would be in 3 weeks.

Ready or we go again.

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