Friday, April 11, 2008

I Walk The Line

The little follie (who has already been nicknamed "Lefty") is up to 17.5mm. It's supposed to be between 18 and 20 to be considered mature enough to trigger. So I'm on the line. I'm in the gray area. Do we trigger tonight, harvest Sunday? Or do we wait one day longer - let it mature, but risk ovulation and harvest Monday?

The docs are still mulling it over. They'll make their decision based on my blood work results that should be in by this afternoon.

I have a feeling that if we wait until Monday - it'll be gone. They'll miss it. I'm hoping when they call, they'll tell me Sunday. But if they don't...I'm going to push for Sunday anyway. What do I have to lose?

In other news: I am feeling fabulous. I will never, ever, ever hop back on those stim drugs. In comparison with how I'm feeling right now (totally normal) it really scares me at how screwed up that stuff made me. Terrifies me, actually. My god, I was a nutjob for a good solid 8 months strictly from hormones. Then I was an emotional trainwreck for loads of months afterwards just from the trauma of the whole ordeal. Never again. I'll be singing praises for Natural Cycle from the highest mountaintop even if it doesn't work.

Hell, I think I'm a little in love with my doctor for even offering it.

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