Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So the monthly visitor showed up last night. 5 days early. Last month I had a 23-day cycle. Not normal.

I just called and left a voicemail with my IVF coordinator. I'm going to ask if I should go ahead with this cycle, or maybe wait until next month when things might be more normal. This is super strange for me...you could set a clock to my body.

I went through my calendar and noticed that the month previous (when we were doing IVF) my cycle was only 26 days. I'm wondering if the Novarel threw me off. All my cycles prior to that Novarel injection were 28 days. I believe when we did IVF last year, the same thing happened - of course I was too hopped up on way too many drugs to blame just the one injection.

I'll get things figured out with the clinic and then we'll make a decision. If we do go through with this next cycle, my first doc appointment will be Memorial Day (which screws up my rockstar weekend, but at least we'll still fit in a little bit of camping).

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